The Platinum Heroes team is known as the biggest clan with arond 200 members spread over EU and NA. We have players from all over the world and of any level.
On our first team—the Eagles, our pro division—are a few players of known repute, Shadown, DnS, goblin ArT, Aqueron, HateMe, and Rodzyn. These players represent us in DH and WTL or other Pro teamleagues.
Our second roster—the Vultures include up and coming talents like Iba or doddi who are looking to grow and learn. Below this we have a vast roster of academy players (5.4k mmr and below) and amateur players (below 4.9k mmr) and also a rookie roster for dia, plat and below
We focus on developing our members by coaching and supporting them in tournaments and hold inhouse tournaments with prizes.
What do we offer you?
- Participation in various team leagues up to any MMR
What are we looking for?
How can I join?
More Info here:
Jméno | Role |
Tassad | Kapitán týmu |
Cobble | Zástupce kapitána |
IlluSion | Zástupce kapitána |
Defiance | Zástupce kapitána |
Catelyn | Zástupce kapitána |
Magnath | Hráč |
Jesu | Hráč |
XenoDactyl | Hráč |
Patches | Hráč |
Esarel | Hráč |
loklok | Hráč |
Kyboi | Hráč |
Doomrat | Hráč |
NeWHoriZonS | Hráč |
Gunner | Hráč |
Selbster | Hráč |
gimmesumloot | Hráč |
Vales | Hráč |
Harokku | Hráč |
Wingent | Hráč |
Davbond | Hráč |
Pie | Hráč |
Dephy | Hráč |
AaRaSs | Hráč |
coco | Hráč |
Legolandman | Hráč |
Sigge | Hráč |
Maya_sc2 | Hráč |
Glacier | Hráč |
Simmen | Hráč |
frogos | Hráč |
xenops | Hráč |
YourBroChris | Hráč |
ChiCano | Hráč |
Blutmilan | Hráč |
majti255 | Hráč |
Zigur | Hráč |
LetaleX | Hráč |
mOsTeN | Hráč |
Anggrath | Hráč |
Turnaj | Hra | Datum |
KTL - 4th division <4500 MMR S(26) | Koprulu Team League - KTL | 30.09.2024 |
KTL - 4th division <4500 MMR S(25) | Koprulu Team League - KTL | 04.03.2024 |