Platinum Heroes [PH] • Mistrovství Ostravy v Esportu

Platinum Heroes [PH]

Platinum Heroes

The Platinum Heroes team is known as the biggest clan with arond 200 members spread over EU and NA. We have players from all over the world and of any level.

On our first team—the Eagles, our pro division—are a few players of known repute, Shadown, DnS, goblin ArT, Aqueron, HateMe, and Rodzyn. These players represent us in DH and WTL or other Pro teamleagues.

Our second roster—the Vultures include up and coming talents like Iba or doddi who are looking to grow and learn. Below this we have a vast roster of academy players (5.4k mmr and below) and amateur players (below 4.9k mmr) and also a rookie roster for dia, plat and below

We focus on developing our members by coaching and supporting them in tournaments and hold inhouse tournaments with prizes.

What do we offer you?
- Participation in various team leagues up to any MMR

  • Monthly Tournaments & Events with cash prizes
  • A practice/coaching environment with around 200 players up to 6.5k mmr
    • Established and experienced management and organisation in the SC2 scene
    • A Themed Overlay for Streamers
  • Merchandise Products if you are interested

What are we looking for?

  • Players of any mmr, depending on your mmr you will be assigned to one of our Divisions
  • Good manners when representing the team
  • Participation/ac­tivity in the Game/Discord/Te­amleagues
  • Commitment to our community
    • The desire and will to improve

How can I join?

More Info here:

Seznam hráčů

Jméno Role
Tassad Kapitán týmu
Cobble Zástupce kapitána
IlluSion Zástupce kapitána
Defiance Zástupce kapitána
Catelyn Zástupce kapitána
Magnath Hráč
Jesu Hráč
XenoDactyl Hráč
Patches Hráč
Esarel Hráč
loklok Hráč
Kyboi Hráč
Doomrat Hráč
NeWHoriZonS Hráč
Gunner Hráč
Selbster Hráč
gimmesumloot Hráč
Vales Hráč
Harokku Hráč
Wingent Hráč
Davbond Hráč
Pie Hráč
Dephy Hráč
AaRaSs Hráč
coco Hráč
Legolandman Hráč
Sigge Hráč
Maya_sc2 Hráč
Glacier Hráč
Simmen Hráč
frogos Hráč
xenops Hráč
YourBroChris Hráč
ChiCano Hráč
Blutmilan Hráč
majti255 Hráč
Zigur Hráč
LetaleX Hráč
mOsTeN Hráč
Anggrath Hráč
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